Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dressing Room Tour!

Hey there!
Today I'm going to take you inside what I hope to someday be my beauty/makeup/dressing room. This is a virtual tour because it does not yet exist. I spent a few hours using a free program from the Design Within Reach website to plan and decorate a virtual room. I absolutely LOVE what I came up with and enjoyed using the planner. They had so much to choose from and at the end you get a 3D rendering of your design.
I was able to input the specs of a room that is currently in my house and change wall color, and add furniture. The windows, doors, and even rug are almost exact match to my actual room. I got the inspiration for the closet wall from this photo that I found on Pinterest: 
Hope one day my clothing collection might look like this! 
Here is the other side of the room. To the left is a closet, a tall mirror (just what I need for OOTD pics) a seating area with wire dressing mannequin and plenty of art on the walls. 
The above photo found on Flickr is my color and pattern inspiration! If I could recreate everything about this room I would. This encompasses my style and personality perfectly. 
I think the 3D design program did a pretty awesome job recreating most of the design elements and being able to see it in a space I currently have makes me so excited to work on making it a reality. I highly recommend using the DWR 3-D Room Planner to plan design and bring them to life!

Thanks for reading!
Til next time,


  1. Wow, I love this!! I'm obsessed with home and room designs. I love looking for inspirations from Pinterest. I gotta try this design website, thank you! Hope to see your design come to reality soon. :)

    REAlity Bites

    1. The website is awesome and it's so cool to see your design come to life... I'll be sure to post updates when I start creating my space 😄
